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Looking for somewhere to stay while you travel New Zealand?

Click on these posts below to find some accommodation that might suit you! .....


Here are some really unique places that we know you'll love!

If you're looking for accommodation for your trip that's that extra special check here first.


We know that you're keen to get going and explore New Zealand and we're all keen to support the small local businesses that are scattered throughout New Zealand. 

Here are some really unique places that we know you'll love!


Travel experts give their personal recommendations. 

We know how difficult and confusing it is trying to find the best accommodation to suit your needs!

All of them look great on the page, don't they?


We asked some of the travel experts to give their recommendations for the best places to stay in New Zealand to help you with your decision. Here are their recommendations.


Like to socialize and interact with your hosts and meet other guests?

We know that trying to find recommendations for places to stay that will suit your travel needs is a

time consuming task. 


Meet EFRAIN & INGRID who have been traveling around New Zealand for 10 months and have stayed at over 50 Airbnbs, hotels, motels, bed and breakfast places, and have kindly offered to share their favorite places.  

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